Monday, June 16, 2008

Gold Nugget Stage Race

HI Team Swift,

Quite a few riders are car pooling down to the Gold Nugget Stage Race on June 27-29.

Rooms fill up pretty fast at this time of year, since it's basically Yosemite.
Scott and Joey Nygaard are staying at the Super 8 in Mariposa: phone: 209-966-4288

The link and race information is below.

You should register early so they know riders are coming.
Coach Laura

Gold Nugget Stage Race Info (pdf)



Riley Predum said...

Hello, I'm new to the team, my name's RIley Predum. I heard this is a great race and Id love to get a ride up there and stay with some others from the team in a hotel. Is there anyone carpooling?

Scott Nygaard said...

Hey Riley,
Welcome to Team Swift. Where do you live?

Riley Predum said...

I live in Fairfax.