Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Team Ride this Sunday, July 20

All Team Ride—July 20th in San Anselmo

Team Swift All-Team-Ride/Race Details
Parents and friends are invited to join the ride and all youth under the age of 12 are required to have a participating parent or guardian in attendance. For those not currently registered as members of Team Swift you need to bring a signed waiver and release to join the ride which can be found at http://teamswift.org/join/. Be sure to read the Team Swift Riding Rules below so you come prepared.

All Team Ride is July 20, 2008, 9 AM at Paradigm Cycles in San Anselmo
Ride Leaders: Coach Eddy MacLeod & Coach Laura Charameda. Parents are encouraged to join the ride and must abide by the Team Swift Ride Rules.
Skill Level: All levels invited. Riders under 12 years old must have a riding parent in attendance. The ride will be between 2.5-3 hours.

Paradigm Cycles the Shop
702 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960

Eddy Macleod: eddy@paradigmcycles.com
Cory Farrer: cory@paradigmcycles.com

415.454.9534 (shop)
415.454.2949 (office and wheels)
877.437.2988 (toll free)

From Hwy. 101 take the Sir Francis Drake Exit. Follow exit towards San Anselmo. Stay on Sir Francis Drake Blvd for 3.5 miles. Pass through the Towns of Greenbrae, Kentfield and Ross into the Town of San Anselmo. Immediately after Tunstead Street, make a left at the light on Bank Street. (Tamalpais Bank will be on your right). Bank street takes you into a parking lot, veer right into the parking lot and go to the end. Park anywhere. The back of the shop is right in front of you. Come around front...and come on in!

Ride Schedule:
8:30AM-9:00AM: Arrival. Sign in and Prepare bikes for a 2.5-3 hour ride
9:00AM-12 Noon: All riders will start together then split into different groups determined by your riding ability.

Team Swift Contacts:
Coach: Laura Charameda,
c. 707.843.9056
Coach: Eddy McLeod,
c. 415.606.7904